College Recruit Program

College Recruit Program

Lower Cost Resources With Customized Skills

Find Highly Skilled College Grads
Hire & Train
Hire & Train
Hire, Use, & Train Them On-The-Job
Build Company Specific Specialty Skills
Move to FTE
Move to FTE
New Young Breed Of Low-Cost FTEs

This is a one-year program to pick the top computer science resources from accredited colleges and put them in immersion training on your systems as consultants at low-cost.  Once they are fully trained, we flip them to FTEs and you have highly skilled low-cost experts.  

While this program is one-year in duration, you can couple these resources with a Resident or TAM so they can be trained on your systems with experts to spin them up faster.  If you are frustrated with the high cost of experts in DevOps or Database, this is an ideal way to hire low-cost resources we help you skill up so you get the experts, without the costs. 

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